We are currently sitting in a rest stop just outside of Eden, TX. They have free wireless internet, so I figured we would take full advantage and take a little break. CeeJay just made us some dinner while I was able to take a shower. The generator is running well and is providing us with plenty of power while we sit here, eat and blog. It is amazing what a quick shower will do to rejuvenate the body.
I should start at yesterday's trip from Moab, UT which was quite simply... amazing. After waking up to a breathtaking view of the surrounding area, we stopped at a place called the "Hole in the Rock." This is where a couple, back in the 40's, built a diner right into the side of the cliff. Figuring that wasn't enough of a feat, they decided to build an entire 5,000 square foot house right into the mountain. It was done with nothing but dynamite, sweat and brawn. We took a tour through the house and decided that these people, being quite eccentric, were made of much more than we are... they make everyone I have ever met seem extremely lazy. Oh yeah, the man was also a sculptor, painter, taxidermist, chef and all around talented human being. I recommend stopping in for the tour if you ever get the chance. Very impressive.
Once the tour was over, we were able to get back on the road and start our journey to the UFO capital of the world, Roswell, NM. But first, we had to make a quick detour to the ever famous, 4 corners. This is the place where Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah all meet. Some say it is technically not accurate, but eh, we didn't really care. We were there. $3 to get in, take a photograph, buy some stuff from authentic, Navajo Indians and head back out again. Totally worth it.
One fairly large hiccup in the trip was the development of a hole in the filler tube of the fuel tank. I noticed while we were filling after our detour to the 4 corners. The rubber hose that connects the filler neck with the gas tank developed a leak on it and was pouring my $2.65 gasoline all over the ground. Well, not a lot, but enough that it made me take notice. This looks like it had been there for a while and was now coming to light after a fairly poor attempt to repair it. I should have taken a photo and posted it on www.thereifixedit.com. Heh. I figured out that if I fill on the slowest setting, it doesn't leak at all, so I can at least get home without too much worry.
So, after the little detour to 4 corners, and the leaky gas fill tube, I was unable to update because we tried to make it all the way to Roswell. However, by 2am, after fighting a very impressive headwind we were just too tired to continue, so we simply pulled over to the side of the road and went to sleep. We had covered a lot of miles, and this made it easy to wake up at about 7:00am to finish our trip into town. The weather had turned a nasty shade of gray overnight and it was extremely foggy. The last bit of ground was covered while CeeJay continued to sleep.
After arriving in Roswell, I went back for another hour of sleep in the parking lot of the UFO museum. Once we got up and were ready, we went inside for a quick look around and another souvenir sticker for the back of the coach. Gotta have one from every place we visit, right?
So, we left New Mexico behind and have now traveled about 400 miles today. We decided we should pull over, eat some dinner and take some showers. That should catch everyone up to where we are at this moment.
Oh yeah, CeeJay wanted me to tell everyone that I broke the AC panel in the dashboard this afternoon... Oops.
Hoping to be home sometime tomorrow afternoon. So far, this new home on wheels of ours has been just a dream to be in. Time to get back on the road...
Welcome back to Texas!